
Thank you so much for your interest in hosting a screening of DOWN to EARTH with your students!

Whether you’re a Home Schooling group, a School or a University this film will sit comfortably alongside your lesson plans. We’ve already had a handful of screenings within these communities with great success. Each screening has been run in way that suits the audience and venue, there have been no two alike. Some have been open to family and friends with ticket sales going to cover the cost of the Screening Pack and Facilitator, and others simply use PTA funds to provide an unforgettable educational experience.

Learn more below, or if you’re ready to host a screening then purchase your kit!

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The key to a successful event is planning. We recommend you ensure the space you’re using is quiet, dark and easily accessible. From experience, we recommend you do a test run of the facilities to ensure the DVD, projection and sound are all performing as you hoped at least two days prior to your screening.

PLUS - We’ll share your screening on our Facebook Events page & list it on our website Events page if you’d like to promote it outside of your school or group.

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A Promotion Pack is included as standard with your Screening Kit. The Pack includes:

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We ask that every screening is followed by a time of dialogue. Included in your Screening Kit is a Facilitation Pack to help guide you in this process.

However, trained facilitators are available for an extra cost of £125, plus their expenses.

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Booking Fee - £175

Note: When you ‘Buy Now’ below you will receive the following in your ‘Standard Educator Pack’:

A loan copy of the DVD, a Promotion Pack: 8 x A4 posters, 20 x postcards to distribute to your audience, 2 x DOWN to EARTH brochures, 1 x digital press kit and a Facilitation Pack - a guide to help you run the facilitated dialogue.

PLUS - 1 x copy of Down to Earth - Three Kids’ Journey Around the World

Need more promotional materials? See the drop-down list below to order an extra set.

Want more copies of the book? Get in touch for a bulk rate.

Educators Hosting Options


We do not receive charity funds, so the screening fee we request for enables us to cover the costs of the screening pack and helps us to continue our work and reach other groups across the UK. As a grassroots project, we need funds to keep going to be sustainable and be able to continue to support the movement.

The contribution helps us in unlocking the message of the Earth Keepers further and amplifying the impact of the film. All the money raised goes directly back into the project.

Here are just a few of the initiatives we’ve supported.